Wednesday, October 29, 2008

BYU Game

We attended the BYU/New Mexico game the same weekend we got our family pix done (thanks to Jon and Tasha and Jon's dad.) Little chilly, but not bad. We were yelling at Cosmo (the Cougar), "Hey Cosmo, buddy, take a pic with us!"
We were also yelling at Bronco Mendenhall (first pic, 3rd from the left), "Hey Bronx, are we still invited to the party afterward?" But I think he forgot how good of friends we are cuz he didn't put us on the party list. I was like, "But we got a picture with Cosmo, doesn't that mean anything?" I guess it doesn't.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

New Fam Pictures

Thanks to my brother and sister-in-law (Chris & Karrie), we just got new family pics done! Woohoo! (Chris was the talented photographer.) It is a chore! Kids don't sit still, they pull funny faces, Alexis kept pulling Harley's hair, Sean wanted to hold our poodle in all of the pictures. . . I think this is why we only take them once a year. Out of the billion pictures we had taken, only 2 came out with everyone looking forward (and still not everyone was smiling).
We had gone up to Orem for our niece's blessing, and to take Keetch family pics. We had woken up to snow, (which made a wonderful background for pictures), but it was soooo cold!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Mike and his cousin Cameron entered cars into the Swiss Days Car Show. Mike put his '72 Chevy Truck in (which he's been working on for 3 years). He won first place! Seeing as how he's been working on it for this long, we were ecstatic for him!

Santa Clara Swiss Days

Last weekend, Sean , our friends Heather, Brecken, Kaye, and I ran in the Swiss Days 5k. We had lots of fun and hated it at the same time. But, we all finished without collapsing, so that's good. I'm happy to say that Sean beat me by 2 minutes, without having any asthma! What a good little sport he is! I'm a little embarassed to put these pictures of me on our blog, so just remember I just got done running!